
Sanbad Pariseba This monthly newsletter in Bengali on environment, natural resource management (NRM), sustainable agriculture etc.

Hater Kache Osudh A booklet on herbal remedies of minor ailments based on information collected from our project areas.

Banglar Shak A precise study on Bengali spinach. Added by taxonomical names, diagrams, health benefits and ailment cure detail.

Mushroom Chas An exhaustive book in Bengali on mushroom cultivation, spawn production, mushroom varieties, preparation of food items with mushroom etc.

Pusti A handbook on daily nutrition

Sabji Bagan - Keno O Kivabe This booklet describes how to grow a small vegetable garden in our homestead...

Bashbhumi A bi-monthly newsletter in Bengali having lesson plans on environmental topics for teachers to work with groups of children in the action-learning process and send feedbacks.

Bashbhumi (Eng) A compilation of feedbacks of activities done by children on a specific environmental topic. The booklets are available in both English and Bengali.

Gharoa Baganer Sabji This publication focuses on 32 leafy vegetables which can be found easily, have high nutritious value...

Ecological Vision A bi-monthly newsletter in Bengali having lesson plans on environmental topics for teachers to work with groups of children in the action-learning process and send feedbacks.

The Fireflies A compilation of case studies on Biofarms. Compiled, edited and pubished by AICP on Biofarm. Catalysed and supported by DST, Govt of India.

Nakshi Katha This publication contains some casestudies on Organic Farming..

Paribesh Bijyan A skill and competency based teacher's manual in Bengali, based on curriculum of class vi, vii & viii on how to conduct Environment Science classes effectively. A must for all Environment Study teaches and educators

Prakritir Pathe This booklet deals with the darker side of Green Revolution, the ecological menace caused by it and methods of sustainable environment-friendly agriculture.

Badle Jachhe Jalbayu This publication deals with climate change issue. To combat with this challenging issue, everybody has a role to minimize the effects of climate change. This booklet consist some guidelines which everyone should follow...

Gene Phasal A handout on GM menace

Deshaj Beej Pangi A native seed showcase Editor: Sanjib Chatterjee Illustration- Abhijit Das Typesetting- Sipra Das 28 Pages, Rs.40/-

Tathyapanji Spinach & vegetables - consumption on collection
Edited by: Subrata Kundu Design: Abhijit Das

Seed Diversity of West Bengal This book is a collection of information about traditional vegetable seeds which are available in various community seed banks across many parts of West Bengal where DRCSC and its partner organizations work.

Chagal Palan A guide to domestic goat rearing

Gharoa Murgi Chas A guide to domestic fowl rearing...

Susthayi Krishiniti A proposed draft prepared by Kishan Swaraj Samiti on sustainable agriculture policy in West Bengal

Plant Propagation Manual This manual for saving seed of common garden vegetables has been designed for home gardeners and small farmers mainly in West Bengal and adjacent regions.

Grow Your Own Food Through urban gardening. A collection of success stories...

Shahare Bagan This manual is about how to grow urban garden

Beej Samrakshaner Sahayika This booklet highlights diversity within different vegetables and examines why it is important to protect it. It covers the basics of seed production - what is a good seed, what is a pure seed and why 'maintaining purity', which is not a traditional practice, is necessary today.

Pustikar Khabar A handbook on nutritious vegetables and foods which can be made easily at home for growing children

Paka Taler Khabar This booklet is for making diffrent plam fruit pulp recipes

Kencho Sar This booklet describes how to prepare vermi compost at home and it's uses in a simple way

Khachhita Ki A treatise on poison fierce in food substances ...

Abarjona (Waste) This book is teaching manual for teachers about how to recycle waste materials in urban areas
Bio-farm publication series |

Farm Design A mentor to easy farming. Farming aids in varied agro-climatic region inclusive of designs. (On process to revised version)

Rice-fish farming The rice-fish farming system is one of the approaches to Low-external Input Rice Production...at the same time the stocked fish provides an environmentally friendly way of controlling pests... (out of print)

Integrated Farming System-A Concept Note Integrated farming is an improved version of that mixed cropping, where not only crops, but all types of plants and animals (including aquatic plant and animal), insects are utilized for production...(On process to revised version)

Soil - A Manual It is an unconsolidated mineral matter that has been subjected to and influenced by genetic and environmental factors- parent material, climate, organisms and topography, all acting over a period of time. (out of print)

Multipurpose Trees in Integrated Farming Multipurpose trees are those species of trees which can potentially make more than one functional contribution to the whole farm. (out of print)

Nurturing common lands If we want to develop a self-sustainable integrated farm clusters we have to think of generating resources out of these community owned common property... (out of print)
Micro Credit / SHGs related books |

Khelte Khelte This publication is a collection of ice-breaking and group consolidation games for Self Help Groups

Prashiksaker Prastuti This publication of DRCSC regarding training of trainers is a concise handbook for the trainers.

Swanirvar Daler Khatapatra Rakhar Sahaj Nirdeshika This publication discusses how to maintain day-to-day accounts of Self Help Groups

Salpabitya Samsthar Arthik Byabasthapana This publication deals with Financial Management of Micro Finance Institutions.

Notun Sakal The encouraging story of the gril and determined effort of the wife of a worker whose factory had closed down, of how she joined a self help group, started a small business and saved the family from disaster.

Sangha Bikash Prashikshan A training modules on cluster development for Self Help Groups (SHGs)
NGO Movement & Development |

Unnyaner Khoje NGO This publication focuses on NGO movement, it's a compilation of some write-ups of different social activists on NGO movement

Unnayaner Galpo An anthology on alternative development initiatives

Nagarik Rajniti Unnayan Critique on civil society dynamics...
Right To Information |

Tathya-r Adhikar Manual A manual on Right To Information, it contains history of RTI, details of RTI Act, important govt. contacts related to RTI documents etc.

Tathya-r Adhikar Ayne This handbook on RTI Act 2005 in Bengali. Translated by DRCSC. Originally published by CHRI.

Tathyer Adhikar- PIO This booklet contains a comprehensive list of related Public Information Officers (PIOs) of all govt. departments of West Bengal

Prashna Uttar-e Tathya-r Adhikar This booklet contains some very common and important questions and their answers on RTI, one can easily understand.

Tathya-karmi Sahaika A guide on RTI for information providers. Frist published: August, 2009
Science around us series |

The Science of Transportation Science around us series, booklets-I & II. This series describe the amazing acheivements in the field of S&T communication, stimulating scientific temper and

The Science of Construction developing scientific capability amongst the people. This two booklets of the series deal with transportation and construction technology.

The Science of Kitchen Science around us series, booklets-III & IV. This series describe the amazing acheivements in the field of S&T communication, stimulating

The Science of Chemicals scientific temper and developing scientific capability amongst the people. This two booklets of the series deal with Kitchen and Chemicals.

The Science of Garden Science around us series, booklets-V. This booklet of the series deal with Gardening.