DRCSC, a partner of Merlin I Am Kolkata CSR initiative of Merlin Group and Terre des Hommes Suisse celebrated Earth Day on 22nd April, 2024; along with their children and youth across 2 slums in Tangra areas of Kolkata. The theme of Earth Day this year was Plastic vs Planet. Children and youth facilitated two exhibitions across Bethbagan and Dhapadhipi slums to demonstrate different models that help in water conservation, energy recycling, reduce global warming etc. |
Kolkata, 17 January 2024: Merlin I Am Kolkata, the corporate social responsibility arm of Merlin Group, the leading real estate conglomerate in India, has announced the unveiling of a Digital Skill Training Centre for youth living in urban slum area of Dhapa in partnership with TDH Suisse, a Swiss Child rights organization and DRCSC, a non-profit organization working in Dhapa area and other parts of West Bengal today. At a formal function, Dr. Andrew Fleming, Hon'ble British Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Soumitra Ray, founder singer of eminent Bangla Band Bhoomi and special consultant of West Bengal State Commission for the protection of the rights of children (SCPCR),Mr. Saket Mohta, Managing Director, Merlin Group unveiled the Digital Skill Training Centre at Dhapa Dipi in presence of Ms. Ajitha Menon, Political Economy Advisor, British Deputy High Commission, Mr. Ashish Ghosh , Regional Coordinator-Asia, TDH Suisse, Ms. Somjita Chakraborty, Chief Program Officer, DRCSC. The digital Skill training centre will impart computer and soft skills training to 60 youth to build better career opportunities for them. This will help the youth complete the course and develop basic skills on interview preparedness, resume writing, computer applications. On this occasion Mr. Saket Mohta, MD, Merlin Group and founder of Merlin I am Kolkata , also announced the expansion of educational support to 70 students additionally and with this Merlin I Am Kolkata now will extend educational support to 490 children across 5 urban slum areas in Dhapa. Merlin group will also provide scholarship to 10 meritorious students under this support education programme. |
On the occasion of Children's Day 2023 the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child commonly known as CRC week being celebrated from 14th November to 20th November every year was significantly important this time. To observe the CRC week and ensure child participation, the cultural event with children was conducted and led the initiative to community sensitization in communities by youth and children groups supported by TdH Suisse & Merlin group. |
On 5th September celebrated the auspicious Teachers' Day, our children of Support Education Centre organized a cultural program at Dhapadhipi SEC centre. The members of TdH Suisse (Ms. Anahy, Education and Sustainable Development Specialist, from Geneva Mr. Jerome, Co-President, Soumitra Paul and Riya Roy Nandi of TdH Suisse) visited the centre and observed this day with the staff of DRCSC and children. |
Save my planet Save my rights is a global campaign of Terre des Hommes Suisse to generate awareness on Education for Sustainable development. On the occasion of World Environment Day Children and Youth members of DRCSC had initiated a week long observation of the campaign, as a partner of TdH Suisse.On 3rd June, DRCSC and TdH Suisse joined hands with Merlin I am Kolkata- The CSR arm of Merlin group to inaugurate the week long ESD Campaign. Mr. K. Balamurugan, IFS, Chief Environment Officer, Department of Environment, Govt. of W.B., Prof.SugataHazra, School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, Mr.Soumitra Roy, Eminent Singer and member of WBCPCR and Ms.Sarbani Bhattacharya, VP Corporate Communication and CSR Merlin Group graced the occasion. Different activities like seed-ball making, eco-bricks making, plantation, paper bag making, leaflet distribution, street play and drawing competition, cleanliness drive etc. have taken place in 3 slum communities of Kolkata. |



DRCSC celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June 2022 in different project areas. |






DRCSC was organised an educational tour for under-privileged children to BITM on the occasion of International Museum Day. A week-long celebration (16-20 May, 2022) was held there. About 300 students visited the museum and they were delighted to experience the different models of science and technology. In the closing ceremony a token of appreciation was gifted to the children by the BITM authority. |



We celebrate Teachers' Day on 5 Sept, 2021 with our students of SEC centres in project area. This program successfully done by participation of respected Urmimala Sengupta from TdH suisse, Anirban Banerjee and including all project staff and Community members. |



From July'21 a project called 'Right To Education and Safety' has been started with the help of TdH Suiss; in this project we will give education support to class V - X, at the same time child safety and COVID-19 safety work will also be followed. Initially the working areas are 3 nos slums in Word No.57 and 58 under Kolkata Municipal Corpn. |



Development of Nutrition Garden with engaging selected participants of Pavlov and Lumbini Park Mental Hospitals. Recently we have conducted a training session of pest management on use of pheromone trap, yellow sticky paper, liquid pest repellent making etc. under the session plan of plants protection. |



Super of Lumbini Hospital inspecting organic nutrition garden in the hospital premises |



Observation of Global Hand Washing Day with children in some brick kilns of Minakhan block, North 24 Parganas |



Working with children at Minakhan brick kiln area. Representatives from Save the Children visited the project area recently |



Glimpses of TEACHER'S DAY celebration in different schools of Kolkata and brick kilns area of North 24 Parganas |



Glimpses of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY celebration at different schools and communities in Kolkata... |



Glimpses of children's activities for NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY celebration |