Photo Gallery

Capacity building training of staff at Ramganga Office

Robi Season Nutrition Garden, Tribal communities Daspur village, G plot

Neo energy Gas Fitting at G plot unit.

Delegates and farmers from Assam visiting nutrition gardens, fruit nurseries at Buraburirtat village, Crab cultivation, floating garden at Gobardhanpur village in G plot, Sundarbans

Rabi season seed soaing gooin on at Dk Sitarampur New FP School

Rabi season bed preparation and seed soaing at Indrapur JB School, Patharpratima

Robi season vegetable seeds distribution among Shyama Mohila Samity at Daspur village

Robi season vegetable seeds distribution among womens group at Buraburir Tat village

Mangrove seedling soaing in progress. Verious types seeds (Bani,Kakra,Gorjon,Tora seed) at Daspur village.

Climate change seminar on Dakshin Ganj village, Trailokyanath FP School, G plot.

Nutrition garden training at Sitarampur village, G plot.

Seminer on climate change at Rakshaskhali Village.

Portable Bio-gas model unloading at Ramganga unit.

Nutrition Garding Training at DK Surendraganj village.

Nutrition Garden training at Sitarampur village, G plot.

Aquacture training ai Biswanathpur

Nutrition Garden training at Rajarajeshwarpur

Nutrition Garden training at Gayadham

School environment class at Laxmipur FP school at Freserganj

Crab farming by Nataji MCG at Gobardhanpur village,G-plot

A country chicken poultry farm at Jagindrapur.

Mangrove plantation ...

IFS training at Buraburir-tat village

Indigenous seeds collection and preservation prosses training at Lakshmipur village, Freserganj

Hen rearing training at Sitarampur village

School environment class at Mahendrapur FP school

Social forestry work in progress at Bijoybati MPCC and Bijoybati FP school area under Freserganj Unit.

Nutrition garden exposure visit at Freserganj unit.

Paddy trial plot data collection

Tribal communities group meeting and report presentation at G plot unit

Crab culture box exposure visit at Patibuniya freserganj unit.

Rajarajeshwarpur and Jogindrapur IFS exchange exposure visit at Sagarmadhabpur

Ramganga FP school environment class

agindrapur FP school environment class

Nutrition garden exposure visit at Usganj and Daspur village, G-plot

Nutrition garden exchange exposure visit at Dakshin Gobindapur.

Fish fingerling and fish feed distributed among beneficiaries at Freserganj Unit

Live stock(Duckling) distribution at G-plot unit, Under SOH Project.

Social forestry plantation at Rakshaskhali village.

Mangrove nursery at Dakshin Surandra ganj village, G-plot unit.

Social forestry sapling plantation by womens' group at Sitarampur village

IGP nursary training at Buraburir Tat village

Living fence plants distribution at Freserganj unit.

Social Forest area fencing and plantation. Rakshaskhali village near Chandpata Ghat

Mangrove narsary pot filling and seedlings by Debichak Beauti Mohila Group

Social forestry sapling plantation work at Indrapur village

New fruit plant making training giving to Rakshaskhali Mrittika MCG.

Live stock training at Gayadham

Alor Thikana FPC in collaboration with DRCSC had been participated in Math Theke Ranna Ghar programme near Master Da Surjya Sen metro station in Kolkata for two days

Hen chicks,feeds and medicines distribution at Rakshaskhali Village

Chicks, feed, medicines distribution at G Plot unit.

WHH field visit at Ramganga

School seminar program at G plot Vivekananda Vidya Mandir(HS) School.

Hen chicks,feed and medicine distribution at Ramganga unit to the beneficiaries

Mangrove day celebration on 26 July 2024: A rally organised by G plot unit

Mangrove day celebration on 26.07.2024: some moments at Indrapur Forest Community Hall, G plot unit.

ITC exposer visit at Gobardhanpur village

School Environment Class at Debnibas Gourango FP School

School seminar on climate change and environment at G plot Vivekananda Vidyamander(HS) School,G plot

After completion of 7 days Micro Entrepreneurship training; distributing some hand holding materials among participants

School Rain Water Harvesting materials distribution at Debnibas Gourango FP School.

Hen rearing training at 10 mile field office, organised by Freserganj unit.

School seminar at Debichak Junior High School.

School seminar at Patharpratima Govt ITI college.

Mangrove Nursary plantation at Rakshaskhali village

Group strengthening training at Buraburir Tat village

Group strengthening training at Bijoybati village of Freserganj Unit.

Group strengthening traning (2nd day) at Freserganj Unit

School Garden at Daspur G-plot GS FP School, G-plot unit.

Group strengthening training at Uttar Surendragaj village

Record keeping and GOV scheme training at Rajarajeshwarpur

A Farmers' convention was organised at Bijoybati Flood Shelter Hall, Freserganj GP on 22-23 June, 2024. Some glimpses

Farmers' convention: Cultural programmes

Farmers' convention: Some sustainable agriculture models were displayed

Old pond re-excavation work going on at Bijoybati village of Freserganj

Small pond excavation for fish breeding at CFC Unit, Gplot

Social forestry trees measurement work at Jagindrapur by Tista and Triveni group.

Environment Day (5th Jun 2024) celebration at Ramganga unit.

Social forestry nursery preparation by Satadal Women's group

IGP(nursery) Group discussion at Shibpur village, by Freserganj unit.

Data collection from ST community group at Bijoybati village

FS plot pond re-excavation at Daspur village by Ma Durga Mohila Samity.

Pond re-excavation work at Daspur village by Briksha mohila samity.

Pond reexcavation work going on at Jagindrapur, by Tista group

Social forestry: Saplings plantation work at Surendragunj by Rashmoni Mohila Samity

Organic manure distribution at Amravati Pathachari MCG

DRCSC's 43rd Foundation day celebration at Rajrajeswarpur field office.

IGP Exposure visit: Freserganj unit beneficiaries visiting at Ramganga unit area under SoH project

Seed collection and preservation one day training at Jagindrapur

School seminar at Utter Surendraganj VIVEKANANDA VIDYAMANDIR

Seed collection and preservation training at Dk Gobindapur and Jagindrapur villages

Alor Thikana FPC was present with their stall at Jadavpur Bijaygarh college campus in Math Theke Ranna Ghar programmme

Crab culture training at Govardhanpur village facilitated by Debabrata Guchhait, organised be G plot unit

Nutrition Garden training at Jagindrapur

Club seminar on climate change at Koilaghata Udiyaman Sangha

Vertical Garden training facilitated by Tapas Mondal at G plot unit

Low-cost paddy boiling hand-holding workshop with a drum and minimun fuel. Participated Tista Group at Jogindrapur village

Wall writing at Indrapur office (Satya Ranjan Jana) house. Under SOH project in G plot unit (DRCSC)

A bio-gas chamber is under construction at Kabita Bera's house, member of Tista Mahila Samity at Buraburir Tat village

Mangrove saplings plantation worik going on at Daspur village G plot unit under SOH Project.

School seminar on global warming it's impact on Sundarban Islands. Participated by Dakshin Sitarampur Ramdhanu Computer and Art academy students.

Womens are engaged in making fencing for mangrove saplings in Daspur village, G-plot area

Mangrove plantation pit digging at Daspur village, G plot unit.

A hen house of a member of Lakshmibar Srijan Dal at Rajrajeshwarpur

Block Level Review Meeting in Ramganga

Aquaculture Exposure visit at Anjali Hatchery

Environment education class at Ramkrishna SSK school, Sitarampur Village.G-plot

Mangrove saplings plantation work going on at Buraburirtat village near Karjan Crick Riverside

Pit Digging for Mangrove plantation at Rakshaskhali village near Karjan Crick River-side

Bio-gas construction work in progress at Kabita Bera's house at Buraburir Tat village

Smokeless Chulla Pipe Distribution at Freserganj

Environment education class at Dakshin Sitarampur new FP school

Mushroom cultivation training with Puja MCG group members at Ramganga.

Mashroom farming preparation work at G plot Unit.

School Environment education class at Indrapur J.B school, organised by SoH project, G plot unit.

SHG training at Shibpur organised by Freserganj unit.

Nutrition Garden follow up visit at Shibpur, organised by Freserganj unit, DRCSC

Nutrition Garden (NG) exposure visit by SHG group at Bijoybati village

A organic agriculture fair was organised by Bhinna Japon at Garia Balia Balak Sangha Club Maidan. Alor Thikana FPC participated with their stall

Climate change seminar at Ramkrishna seva sangha G plot Unit.

Environment class at Biswanathpur F P school.

Club seminar on global warming and it's impact on Sundarban Island. Venue: Buraburir Tat organised by G plot unit.

Village fair at Ramganga GP on 23 to 26 .1.2024.

Alor Thikana FPC stall at Bengal Press Club premises a organic producers hut organised by Bengal Press Club in collaboration with DRCSC with the initiative of Narayan Organic

Aquaculture exposer visit by G plot Unit CFC membar and DRCSC Workar at Champahati, Sukalyan House.

Celebrating Farmars Day on 23.12.2023 in Indrapur Junior Besic School by G-plot unit office, DRCSC

Mangrove plantation work ongoing at Buraburitat

Present condition of mangrove plantation at Freserganj

Vermi cum azolla pit at Indrapur village

Exercise of project analysis on the second day staff meeting in Bolpur

Patato seeds distribution at Ramganga unit

A nutrition garden in Tillotama FP school, Fraserganj

A vermicompost pit

Neotia University Students visiting Ramganga field office and field area.

With German delegates

Field visit by SOH team along with German delegates at G-plot

Students from Oxford University visiting an IFS plot a G-plot

School garden preparation work at Gadamathura Haripriya School

SoH team (with foreign delegates) visiting IFS plots at Fresarganj unit .

Meeting with women's group and beneficiaries

Meeting with school children ...

Mangrove saplings plantation work by Maa Mahila Samity at Taltala Jagatdal River-side, Indrapur, G-plot

IFS - a mixed cropping field

A floating garden ...

A School Nitration Gardan at Dakshin Shibpur

Bamboo distribution for hen-house making

A circle garden ...

Nutrition garden training at Bswanathpur

Hen rearing training at Shibpur village, Freserganj unit

IFS (Integrated Farming System) training at Shivpur village, Freserganj

Club seminar at Freserganj unit

School seminar on climate change and it's impact on Sundarbans at Indraprastha IIMC school.

IFS (Integrated Farming System) training at Lakshmipur village, Freserganj

IFS (Integrated Farming System) training at Bijoybati village, Freserganj

School seminar at Parbatipur FP school

School environment class at Rajarajeshwarpur FP school

G.P. Level meeting at G.Plot Unit

Livestock distribution (Chick) to the beneficiaries of Daspur, Uttar Surendraganj, Dakshin Surendraganj at G plot unit office

Mangrove nursary pot filling at Uttar Surendraganj.

Group exchange visit on nutrition garden at Ramganga.

Paddy trial plot data collection...

Present situation of social forestry plantation at Indrapur, G plot

One-day livestock training (Hen Rearing) at Rakshaskhali village

Environment education class at Shibpur Rabindra Smriti FP school.

Environment education class at Mahendrapur FP School

Saplings Distribution (Nojna, Supari, Tunt etc.) for living fence at G-Plot by G-plot Unit Office

Women IFS farmers group exposure visit to Ramganga

Indigenous variety paddy trial plots at Ramganga.

Womens group is busy with social forestry work at Ramganga

One-day Nutrition Gurden follow-up Training at Rakshaskhali village

Club seminer on climate change and globle worming at Rakshaskhali Village

Nutrition Garden training 1st day, at Bijoybati village, Freserganj

Seminar on 'Climate Change and It's Impact On Surdarban' at Patharpratima govt ITI college

Scientists team visiting a IFS plot in Ramganga for research purpose.

Fish spawn distribution to beneficiaries at Indrapur village, by G plot unit,

Floating garden of Madhuri duari Sahoo's pond at Rajrajeswarpur

Training on Grafting with IGP group of Shibpur Sabuj Sathi

Different varieties paddy sowing work is going on adjacent to Ramganga unit trial plots

Social forestry work ongoing at Indrapur village...

Nutrition garden of Mayna Manna at Sitarampur village in G plot

Paddy trial plot: seed bed preparation work going on

Visiting a IFS farmer's plot at Sagarmadhabpur.

Paddy seeds and Improved chilli distribution.

Meeting with farmers' group members

Duckling distribution at Daspur village among the Tribal community at G plot

Honey prossecing training at Rakshaskhali village, with Briksha SHG

Paddy seed distribution at lndrapur and Gobardhanpur village in G plot, Sundarban

Video Documentation of Social forestry done by Ruprekha Mutual Co-operation Group at Indrapur village

Focus Group discussion on Seed bank and Aquaculture at Rakshaskhali village

Meeting with Mangrove Protection Group of Bijoybat and Shibpur villages.

Focus Group discussion with SHG beneficiaries at Freserganj unit field office

Micro-Entrepreneurship training at Freserganj field office

Mid-term evaluation meeting on group-based income generation program at G Plot

A floting garden at Biswanathpur

We have celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June, 2023 in some of our project areas of Sundarbans by planting mangrove saplings, other tree saplings, rally etc.