Weather Forecast

Kasipur Block (Purulia)

Date Rainfall in mm
29.06.2024 Cloudy sky with passing showers/Light rain and thundery activity at few places
30.06.2024 Partly Cloudy to Mainly overcast sky with moderate rain and thunderstorm at 50% places
01.07.2024 Mainly overcast sky with light rain/showers and thundershowers at 25-50% places
02.07.2024 Mainly overcast sky with light rain and thundery development at 25-50% places
03.07.2024 Cloudy sky with light to moderate rain with thundery developmentat 50% places
During the periods wind will blow from Easterly/Westerly and speed may be 03-18 kmph During the periods maximum temperature would be around 30.6 to 36.0 degree centigrade During the periods minimum temperature would be around 22.8 to 26.6 degree centigrade During the periods highest humidity would be around 73-98% During the periods lowest humidity would be around 62-69%

Agro advisory

1. For COVID-19 : Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval, social distancing during all agricultural operation in all crops.

2. Due to forecast of moderate to light rain during next five days farmers are advised to postpone their Irrigation,fertilizer and spraying operation to the standing crop. during rain periods

3. Provide proper drainage channel in vegetable field to remove excess water during rain periods

4. For Transplanted Paddy: If paddy nursery is at 20-21 days , then farmers can trnasplant it. If seed bed for nursery not prepared then sow the seed in seed bed after rain over. Not to Recommended varieties for this region are Sahabaghi, Gotra Bidhan-I, Gotra Bidhan-III, Lalat for medium upland , MTU-1001, Swarnamasuri , Sambamasuri for medium land , Puja , NC Kalma for low land condition.

5. For Brinjal and Tomato: Under this weather condition fruit boer may affect the crops So, remove affected fruits and destroy it in 2 ft deep soil. and take 5 m.l. neem oil and 20 gram detergent powder and mix in 1 liter of water and spary on the crops in clear weather

6. For Pointed Gourd: Under this weather condition, in Pointed gourd, the attack of fungus causing fruit-rot may be high. remove the infected fruits from the land. Take 50 gram crushed garlic and mix in 20 liter of water and spray on the crops in clear weather

7. For Cattle: Deworming in cattle is advised during monsoon period

8. For Groundnut: Collect good quality certified seeds for sowing of Kharif Groundnut. Recommended verities are TAG-24, TG-37A, ICGS-76. Treat the seeds with trico derma at 4 gram per kg seed rate before sowing.

9. ForAnimals: Farmers who are those not vaccinated their cattle against foot and mouth disease So urgently vaccinate them with the help of vertinery hospital/doctor. For mass vaccination contact to your block PRANI MITRA To avoid this, farmers can keep the shed clean and dry and disinfect the shed with bleaching power. Feed them only dry food.

10. For Lady's Finger: At this weather condition , white fly may affect the crops So advised to take 3 kg cow dung ash and mix in 150 m.l. kerosene oil and smash it properly and apply on the rops in clear weather

Fishery Advisory: 29 June - 3 July 2024
1. Disease during Monsoon (1) Gill rot disease- Red gill changed to white due to infection during monsoon and spawn and fry infected more So advised to apply, 15-20 kg common salt/ bigha or 250 gm potassium permanganate / bigha or 200 ml Aqua Health / Bigha fish pond.
2. Gasping of fish - In early morning or dawn fish comes to surface due to lack of oxygen. For remedies pump set have to use. Some phytoplankton have to be in pond. Fish density have to be reduced Oxymore or Oxyflow may be used 250 gm /bigha.

Chhatna Block (Bankura)

29.06.2024 Partly Cloudy to Cloudy sky with drizzle and passing showers and thundery development at some places
30.06.2024 Cloudy sky light to moderate rain and thundershowers at 25-50% places
01.07.2024 Cloudy sky with light rain and thundershowers at 25% places
02.07.2024 Cloudy to Mainly overcast sky with light rain and thunderstorm at 50% places
03.07.2024 Cloudy sky with light rain/drizzle with thundery activity at 25-50% places
During the periods wind will blow from Southeasterly/Southwesterly and speed may be 02-17 kmph During the periods maximum temperature would be around 30.8 to 36.3 degree centigrade During the periods minimum temperature would be around 23.0 to 26.2 degree centigrade During the periods highest humidity would be around 75-97% During the periods lowest humidity would be around 60-66%

Agro advisory

1. For COVID-19 : Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval, social distancing during all agricultural operation in all crops.

2. Due to forecast of moderate to light rain during next five days farmers are advised to postpone their Irrigation,fertilizer and spraying operation to the standing crop. during rain periods

3. Provide proper drainage channel in vegetable field to remove excess water during rain periods

4. For Transplanted Paddy: If paddy nursery is at 20-21 days , then farmers can trnasplant it. If seed bed for nursery not prepared then sow the seed in seed bed after rain over. Not to Recommended varieties for this region are Sahabaghi, Gotra Bidhan-I, Gotra Bidhan-III, Lalat for medium upland , MTU-1001, Swarnamasuri , Sambamasuri for medium land , Puja , NC Kalma for low land condition.

5. For Brinjal and Tomato: Under this weather condition fruit boer may affect the crops So, remove affected fruits and destroy it in 2 ft deep soil. and take 5 m.l. neem oil and 20 gram detergent powder and mix in 1 liter of water and spary on the crops in clear weather

6. For Pointed Gourd: Under this weather condition, in Pointed gourd, the attack of fungus causing fruit-rot may be high. remove the infected fruits from the land. Take 50 gram crushed garlic and mix in 20 liter of water and spray on the crops in clear weather

7. For Cattle: Deworming in cattle is advised during monsoon period

8. For Groundnut: Collect good quality certified seeds for sowing of Kharif Groundnut. Recommended verities are TAG-24, TG-37A, ICGS-76. Treat the seeds with trico derma at 4 gram per kg seed rate before sowing.

9. ForAnimals: Farmers who are those not vaccinated their cattle against foot and mouth disease So urgently vaccinate them with the help of vertinery hospital/doctor. For mass vaccination contact to your block PRANI MITRA To avoid this, farmers can keep the shed clean and dry and disinfect the shed with bleaching power. Feed them only dry food.

10. For Lady's Finger: At this weather condition , white fly may affect the crops So advised to take 3 kg cow dung ash and mix in 150 m.l. kerosene oil and smash it properly and apply on the rops in clear weather

Fishery Advisory: 29 June - 3 July 2024
1. Disease during Monsoon (1) Gill rot disease- Red gill changed to white due to infection during monsoon and spawn and fry infected more So advised to apply, 15-20 kg common salt/ bigha or 250 gm potassium permanganate / bigha or 200 ml Aqua Health / Bigha fish pond.
2. Gasping of fish - In early morning or dawn fish comes to surface due to lack of oxygen. For remedies pump set have to use. Some phytoplankton have to be in pond. Fish density have to be reduced Oxymore or Oxyflow may be used 250 gm /bigha.
Weather and Crop Advisory Archive
Weather Advisory 24-28 June 2024
Weather Advisory 19-23 June 2024
Weather Advisory 13-17 June 2024
Weather Advisory 08-12 June 2024
Weather Advisory 03-07 June 2024
Weather Advisory 29 May-2 June 2024
Weather Advisory 24-28 May 2024
Weather Advisory 19-23 May 2024
Weather Advisory 14-18 May 2024
Weather Advisory 09-13 May 2024
Weather Advisory 04-08 May 2024
Weather Advisory 29 April to 03 May 2024
Weather Advisory 24-28 April 2024
Weather Advisory 19-23 April 2024
Weather Advisory 14-18 April 2024
Weather Advisory 09-13 April 2024
Weather Advisory 04-08 April 2024
Weather Advisory 30 Mar-03 Apr 2024
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