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  • Combating the impacts of climate change in severely affected areas
  • of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin in South Asia
  • Project Countries: India, bangladesh and Nepal
  • Combating the impacts of climate change in severely affected areas
  • of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin in South Asia
  • Target groups: Extremely poor households

In India Development Research Communication and Services Centre (DRCSC) is implementing the project in 8 Gram Panchayats (Mohammad Bazar, Bhutura, Choricha, Kapista, Parulia, Laxminarayanpur, Gwaliyara and Chinpai) of 2 Blocks (Mohammad Bazar and Dubrajpur) under Birbhum district in West Bengal with 1200 extreme poor households.


The targeted 1200 extreme poor households have been selected with the following critera -

 The per day per capita income of the households is less than Rs. 34/- only
 They have no or very less amount of productiuve assets (less than Rs. 7000/-)
 They don't have own land or very less quantity of land (less than 10 decimal)
 They take meal a maximum of twice a day for less than 9 months a year with low quality and quantity.
 They have no access to conventional financial support networks and MFIs (savings, credit etc.)

Overall objective (Impact)

The economic and social resilience of the poorest population affected by the consequences of climate change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin in India, Bangladesh and Nepal increases significantly and civil society is strengthened to protect and promote the rights of marginalized groups affected by climate change.

Mixed cropping

Mixed cropping

Project Goal

 4,300 women and their families, who live in poverty have significantly improved their livelihoods and, together with a further 1,770 civil society actors, have been strengthened to participate in climate policy discourse with government agencies from the local to the transnational level.

 4,300 marginalized families have increased their ability to profitably implement climate-resilient and diversified income-generating activities (IGAs) and to better cope with climate-related shocks, burdens and uncertainties.

 Civil society actors, organized in 246 CSOs and 26 student forums, have improved their capacities to hold government institutions from local to national level accountable in a conflict-sensitive democratic dialogue aiming at the delivery of services relevant to addressing the impacts of climate change.

 The partner NGOs and grassroots CSOs have improved their advocacy and networking skills; an advocacy network on the consequences of climate change is institutionalized and operational from local to transnational level.

 The experiences and perspectives of affected communities at grassroots level with regard to climate change and climate justice are researched, documented and shared with relevant policy makers and the public at local, national and transnational levels.


Major Activities

 Facilitating training on climate- adaptive agriculture, livestock management and disaster resilience.

 Adding technological support and advice to climate-adaptive livelihood efforts.

 Developing rapport with different Line departments, Block and Panchayats.

 Entertaining community- initiatives.

 Transferring income- generating assets.

 Identification and grooming disaster-mitigation volunteers.

 Providing special attention to elderly, wizened and severe sick

 To act to save human rights.