Adaptation to climate change and resilience building on the Sundarban Islands through afforestation and promotion of sustainable livelihoods
The direct target group of the project are 15,000 people from 3,000 households (a household consists of 5 persons on average) in 24 village communities in the panchayats of Ramganga (11 villages), G-Plot (7), Brajaballavpur (Rakshas Khali Island) (1) and Fraserganji (5). There are 70,040 people living in the project region.
The livelihood of the target group is secured and resilience against the impacts of climate change is established; the reduced pressure on the ecosystem, together with afforestation, leads to an increase in forest area and biodiversity.
The measures training in sustainable agriculture and aquaculture, input (seeds, organic manure etc.), establishment of seed banks, installation of wells for drinking water, promotion of alternative livelihoods and energies, reforestration, environmental awareness activities etc...
The project purpose is to regenerate and protect the endangered flora and fauna of the Sundarbans through the empowerment of local population, thus contributing to the improved resilience of the target group in the event of natural disaster as well as to improved living conditions of the target group.
Promotion of climate adaptive livestock farming
Sustainable aquaculture
Introduction of alternative & improved energy sources
To create alternative income opportunities
Promotion of climate adaptive ecological farming
To build community-based soil tolerant indigenous seed banks
Promote of environmental awareness through climate change and environmental sustainability events at schools and in the target groups
Reforestation for coastal protection purposes and generation of sustainable resources
Establishment of organic school gardens
Call Us On 033 2442 7311 / 033 2441 1646