Livestock distribution...
Livestock support at Purbahatkhola Bhasapara

Orientation on beekeeping at Nebukhali

A Rally...
Environment Day Celebration

Integrated Farming System
Training going on...

Integrated Nutrition Garden
at Sandeshkhali II Block

Social Forestry work going on
at Basanti Block

Overall Goal
Contribute actively to the restoration of ecosystems and ensure food, nutrition and livelihood security of the climate vulnerable communities of Sundarbans by increasing their resilience towards the adverse impact of climate change.

Target groups
The project will directly reach 1600 most vulnerable marginalized families among small and marginal farmers, landless labourers, fishermen, and forest & river gatherers living in 8 panchayats (GP) under 4 blocks of 2 districts in the Sundarbans of India. Indirectly it will reach to at least 7,500 families (40,000 individuals) and some activities like plantation will benefit the villages as a whole.

The mitigation and adaptation measures includeskill development trainings and input support for sustainable agriculture (organic), establishment of seed bank, group based income generation activity, pond and rain water harvesting construction, community plantation, alternate livelihood promotion, exposure visits and awareness programmes etc.

Project Summery
The project will directly reach 1600 most vulnerable marginalized families among small and marginal farmers, landless labourers, fishermen, and forest & river gatherers living in 8 panchayats (GP) under 4 blocks of 2 districts in the Sundarbans of India. Absence of alternative livelihoods has contributed to worsening the situation. Although Sundarbans is surrounded by rivers, the water is not suitable for irrigation.A systematic approach of asset creation through scientific management of livestock, fishery with skill development initiatives to enable them to grow vegetables in the period beyond rainy season may reduce this food insecurity where the women, children and aged people suffer the most. A few models of integrated farming, community-managed common property resources, grain banks, nutrition gardens etc will be promoted. The project will transfer appropriate technologies and practices to the community so that they become self-reliant and are able to sustain the initiatives in the future.The project proposes a livelihood-based approach to adaptation, developing asset/capital base of individual/community in a participatory way.
Overall Objective
Improving the climate resilience of the community and reaching out 1600 most vulnerable small and marginal beneficiary families directly and 7500 families through capacity building, facilitating access to government schemes, helping in realization of rights and entitlements etc. and thus will impact the lives and livelihoods of 40,000 individuals.
Major Activities