Weather Forecast
Kasipur Block (Purulia)
Date | Rainfall in mm |
27.10.2022 | Partly cloudy sky |
28.10.2022 | Fine to Fair sky |
29.10.2022 | Fair sky |
30.10.2022 | Fine sky |
31.10.2022 | Fine to Fair sky with haze in the morning hours |
During the periods wind will blow from Northwesterly/Northerly becoming Northeasterly on 30 Oct and speed may be 03-11 kmph During the periods maximum temperature would be around 28.0 to 31.9 degree centigrade During the periods minimum temperature would be around 17.8 to 20.5 degree centigrade During the periods highest humidity would be around 67-93% During the periods lowest humidity would be around 47-56% | |
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Agro advisory 1. For COVID-19 : Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval, social distancing during all agricultural operation in all crops. 2. As Fine to fair sky becoming partly cloudy weather may be in coming days so advised to harvest matured paddy and pulses crops Go for rabi crops field preparation. Apply 2-3 quintal compost fertilizer per bigha and mix well in soil before sowing rabi crops 3. For Paddy: Transplanted paddy at 8-10m week stage, hopper attack expected in this weather condition. So, advised to arrange proper light and air penetration at the base within each 7-8 row of plants. Remove all weeds and grasses in and out of paddy. And Installation of light traps with incandescent light at 1-2 meter height at 4-5 per acre, care should be taken not to place light traps near seed beds or fields. 4. For Brinjal/Tomato: At fruiting stage, white fly may affect the crops in this wetaher condition. So, Sticky yellow straps, can be set around plants to help detect an infestation early enough. Remove infested leaves and destroy it Take 50 gram grinded neem leaves and 20 gram grinded tulsi leaves and 20 gram detergent powder and mix in 5 liter of ater and spray on the crops in clear weather 5. For Winter Vegetable: Chilli, tomato, brinjal may be at seedling stage. So keep the seed bed free from weed. No water stagnation should be allowed. Make shade over the seed bed by transparent polythene. 6. For Poultry: Poultry bird Chicks effect of low night temperature. In case of new born chicks keep them litter spread over old news paper. Maintain the temperature of brooder house with electric bulb. 7. For Animals ( Cow): If Lumpy Skin Disease infection in cattle is seen in this weather condition. It can cause patches of raised spots on the animals and swelling of the throat. So, for prevention, walls and floors of animal shelters are to be cleaned with lime and bleaching powder. Clean animal’s hoof with 5% potassium permanganate solution. If the level of infection is too high, contact the nearest veterinary clinic for vaccination and treatment 8. Blackgram: Carry out harvesting of mature black gram crop during clear weather; dry the harvested produce for 2-3 days before storing. . Farmers are advised to start sowing of Rabi maize, potato, sunflower and Lentil etc as sufficient moisture is available. |
Fishery Advisory 27- 31 Oct 1. Under this weather condition, advised that, the fish farmers should increase the oxygen level in the pond by using a pump, netting, aerator, water exchange, oxygen enhancing medicine available in market or potassium permanganate. |
Chhatna Block (Bankura)
Date | Rainfall in mm |
27.10.2022 | Fair to Partly cloudy sky |
28.10.2022 | Fair sky |
29.10.2022 | Fine to Fair sky |
30.10.2022 | Fine sky |
31.10.2022 | Fair sky with light haze in the morning hours |
During the periods wind will blow from Southsouthwesterly/Northwesterly and becoming Northerly on 30 Oct and speed may be 02-10 kmph During the periods maximum temperature would be around 28.3 to 32.4 degree centigrade During the periods minimum temperature would be around 18.0 to 20.8 degree centigrade During the periods highest humidity would be around 65-90% During the periods lowest humidity would be around 44-53% | |
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Agro advisory 1. For COVID-19 : Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval, social distancing during all agricultural operation in all crops. 2. As Fine to fair sky becoming partly cloudy weather may be in coming days so advised to harvest matured paddy and pulses crops Go for rabi crops field preparation. Apply 2-3 quintal compost fertilizer per bigha and mix well in soil before sowing rabi crops 3. For Paddy: Transplanted paddy at 8-10m week stage, hopper attack expected in this weather condition. So, advised to arrange proper light and air penetration at the base within each 7-8 row of plants. Remove all weeds and grasses in and out of paddy. And Installation of light traps with incandescent light at 1-2 meter height at 4-5 per acre, care should be taken not to place light traps near seed beds or fields. 4. For Brinjal/Tomato: At fruiting stage, white fly may affect the crops in this wetaher condition. So, Sticky yellow straps, can be set around plants to help detect an infestation early enough. Remove infested leaves and destroy it Take 50 gram grinded neem leaves and 20 gram grinded tulsi leaves and 20 gram detergent powder and mix in 5 liter of ater and spray on the crops in clear weather 5. For Winter Vegetable: Chilli, tomato, brinjal may be at seedling stage. So keep the seed bed free from weed. No water stagnation should be allowed. Make shade over the seed bed by transparent polythene. 6. For Poultry: Poultry bird Chicks effect of low night temperature. In case of new born chicks keep them litter spread over old news paper. Maintain the temperature of brooder house with electric bulb. 7. For Animals ( Cow): If Lumpy Skin Disease infection in cattle is seen in this weather condition. It can cause patches of raised spots on the animals and swelling of the throat. So, for prevention, walls and floors of animal shelters are to be cleaned with lime and bleaching powder. Clean animal’s hoof with 5% potassium permanganate solution. If the level of infection is too high, contact the nearest veterinary clinic for vaccination and treatment 8. Blackgram: Carry out harvesting of mature black gram crop during clear weather; dry the harvested produce for 2-3 days before storing. . Farmers are advised to start sowing of Rabi maize, potato, sunflower and Lentil etc as sufficient moisture is available. |
Fishery Advisory 27- 31 Oct 1. Under this weather condition, advised that, the fish farmers should increase the oxygen level in the pond by using a pump, netting, aerator, water exchange, oxygen enhancing medicine available in market or potassium permanganate. |