Climate adaptive and resilient livelihood systems for small and marginal farmers associated with agriculture and allied sector.
Selection of Households: Economically backward and facing financial trouble round the year.
Socially backward communities
Families situated in vulnerable drought prone regions and prone to climate change effects.
Landless & marginal farmer families.
Women headed households.
Families having mutual understanding and faith, agreeing in giving contribution for any support and mindset for involving in this kind of initiative.
Food security and income enhancement are ensured through Ecological restoration and promotion of climate resilient livelihood
Increase in food, nutrition and income security through ecological improvement following climate resilient practices in the respective intervention areas.
Strengthened village institutions are convinced about the sustainability of the techniques and principles of ecological agriculture and take initiative for wider dissemination and adoption of these models
60% of the targeted HHs are practicing ecological agriculture techniques & principles to adopt with climate change impacts
Call Us On 033 2442 7311 / 033 2441 1646